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For housing associations, property management companies and residence association members, Jays Jetting provides communal area cleaning services including staircase cleaning. If you are a landlord or property management company we can also carry out cleaning services in the common areas of your HMOs at competitive prices.

A communal area in any building is the first place a visitor sees, so it should be clean and welcoming. Of course, in flat blocks they must be clutter-free as these areas are fire risks if cluttered with unwanted items or rubbish. In office blocks where many businesses share the building, communal areas can reflect badly on their business if unclean or messy. To achieve this level of cleanliness for most communal areas requires an army! But don’t worry because we have one too! Our cleaning team can come into your buildings to ensure that all common spaces are safe and free from rubbish


Communal areas are places that have a communal purpose. Residential communal spaces, for example, might be the lobby of an apartment building and it also can include rooms in a house that is shared by multiple tenants. Commercial communal spaces would include any part of an office building which is used by many businesses-hallway entrances or kitchens, for example-and we offer cleaning services to co-working offices as well! The nature of our job will depend on what type property you own and we discuss all this before starting work together!

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